Compassion isn’t supposed to be a liability to us. It’s supposed to be the default setting of our hearts. It’s hardly something to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. Benevolence isn’t supposed to be a character defect. In fact, our lives as followers of Jesus should be specifically marked by the ability to see beyond our comfort, to be inconvenienced by the pain of others, and to move in such a way that this pain is alleviated.
03044 – Compassion: Our Default Setting
ability | alleviate(d) | ashamed of | benevolence | character defect | comfort(ed) | compass(ion) | default setting | defect(s) | embarrass(ed) | followers of Jesus | heart(s) | inconvenience(d) | Jesus Christ | liability | live(s) | mark(ed) | other(s) | pain(ful) | see beyond | some(thing) | specifically | supposed to be