It is mysterious, but somehow, when everything else is stripped away, we find ourselves sitting [at Christ’s table] in the abundance that remains. We encounter sustenance for the journey, companions for the road ahead, and the body and blood of Christ, which invites us to remember God’s faithfulness and to be re-membered–put back together, becoming the body of Christ, just as God intended.
03170 – Just as God Intended
abundance | becoming | blood of Christ | body of Christ | companion(s) | encounter | everything else | faithful(ness) | God | intend(ed) | invite(d) | Jesus Christ | journey(s) | mysterious(ly) | our(selves) | put back together | re-membered | remain(s) | remember(ing) | road(s) | sit(ting) | some(how) | stripped away | sustenance for the journey | table(s) | together(ness)