03637 – I Am Somebody!

While Christians espouse the view that we are all God’s children, too often we point to those who have gifts or talents we value. Saying that everyone is somebody is not comparable to giving everyone a trophy for merely existing but treating everyone as valuable regardless of their contributions to society.

The raceless gospel…is rooted in a mystical spirituality of somebodiness, a belief in indivisible individuality or selfhood apart from “ruling relationships” that maintain social hierarchies.

This aligns with the early church’s first creed: “For you are children of God in the Spirit. There is no Jew or Greek; there is no slave or free; there is no male and female. For you are all on one in the Spirit.”

It is a message that bears repeating. So, repeat after me a summary of the raceless gospel, “I am God’s child. I am somebody.”

from “Why We Need a Mystical Spirituality of ‘Somebodiness'”