Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the devil’s voice before; but if I have, it bears a really strong resemblance to my own. It is the taunting voice always hovering in the periphery in my head, waiting for me to make a mistake so it can pounce on the failure and the fear and tell me I am right to feel insecure.
It’s the ridiculing voice that often tells me that I’m not good enough, that I’m not doing enough, that I don’t have enough; the source of perpetual inadequacy and lack. It’s the dismissive voice that (as with Jesus) presses into the tender places of my identity and tries to make me question my worth and my work…I imagine that on some level, you know what it feels like: to have competing commentary on who you are or who God is and to struggle to believe a better story, especially because the lying voice can be convincing…The declaration of who we are and whose we are is never more necessary than in the wilderness. Today may you listen to the voice that gives life, and may you believe what it says about you.”
from The Voice We Listen To