03744 – Strongman vs. Scapegoat

Beware systems and identities that need:

1. A Strongman
2. A Scapegoat

There will be no end of violence when these two exist. They legitimate and fuel each other.

Jesus demonstrates how demonically futile the Strongman/Scapegoat mechanism is in his death and resurrection.

He redeems every scapegoat; he disarms every strongman.

The Kingdom of God invites us to live in a political economy that doesn’t need Strongmen or Scapegoats to justify its existence.

Imagine a world where the marginalized aren’t seen as a threat, where bullies aren’t given platforms, where citizens take responsibility for their own fear and anger instead of projecting it onto vulnerable, minority peoples.

This is the only kind of Christianity I can take seriously. We are dying for it to be realized in our world.

This is eternal life, beloved. This is the reign of God in the palm of your hands.