01182 – Meeting God’s Presence

A man must have a sense of being cared for, of not being alone and stranded in the universe. All of us want the assurance of not being deserted by life nor deserted in life.

Faith teaches us that God is–that He is the fact of life from which all other things take their meaning and reality.

When Jesus prayed, he was conscious that, in his prayer, he met Presence, and this consciousness was far more important and significant than the answering of his prayer. It is for this reason primarily that God was for Jesus the answer to all the issues and the problems of life.

When I, with all my mind and heart, truly seek God and give myself in prayer, I, too, meet His Presence, and then I know for myself that Jesus was right.

from Deep is the Hunger

Gender-neutral version:

A person must have a sense of being cared for, of not being alone and stranded in the universe. All of us want the assurance of not being deserted by life nor deserted in life.

Faith teaches us that God is–that God is the fact of life from which all other things take their meaning and reality.

When Jesus prayed, he was conscious that, in his prayer, he met Presence, and this consciousness was far more important and significant than the answering of his prayer. It is for this reason primarily that God was for Jesus the answer to all the issues and the problems of life.

When I, with all my mind and heart, truly seek God and give myself in prayer, I, too, meet God’s Presence, and then I know for myself that Jesus was right.

from Deep is the Hunger0