00226 – Meek is Not Weak

“The meek are partakers of the divine blessing…for they shall inherit the land.” In English, the word “meek” has come to be about the same as “weak” or “harmless” or “spiritless.” It is thought that a meek person is something of a doormat upon which others wipe their feet, a timid soul who lives in mortal fear of offending others.

But nothing could be more foreign to the biblical use of the word. It is used in particular to describe…Moses (Num. 12:3) and Jesus (Matt. 11:29). One of them defied the might of Egypt and the other couldn’t be cowed by a powerful Roman official.

Neither of them ever showed the slightest sign of being weak or harmless or spiritless. Both of them seemed absolutely fearless in the face of powerful people, and completely surrendered to the will of God.

Can we call them “meek”? The answer is yes.

from The Sermon on the Mount