00379 – Church Can Bear Witness to Truth

There has never been a time when I have not been really happy in the relationship of the parish ministry. The church can really be a community of love and can give one new confidence in the efficacy of the principles of brotherhood outside the family relation.

The questions and qualms of conscience arise when one measures the church in its relationships to society, particularly to the facts of modern industry…

If the church can do nothing else, it can bear witness to the truth until such a day as bitter experience will force a recalcitrant civilization to a humility which it does not now possess.

Gender-inclusive version:

There has never been a time when I have not been really happy in the relationship of the parish ministry. The church can really be a community of love and can give one new confidence in the efficacy of the principles of personhood outside the family relation.

The questions and qualms of conscience arise when one measures the church in its relationships to society, particularly to the facts of modern industry…

If the church can do nothing else, it can bear witness to the truth until such a day as bitter experience will force a recalcitrant civilization to a humility which it does not now possess.