00497 – God of All?

It is strange that our language about God has not changed noticeably with the radical changes that have come with our understanding of quantum mechanics, or the theory of chaos, or the mysteries of particle physics.

Shouldn’t our awareness of the magnificence of the universe change our language about our Maker? There are more galaxies than our most sophisticated instruments can count. It is quite possible that there is more than one “universe”; there may be many.

It takes all the imagination of my heart to pray to a Maker who has made more than I can comprehend, but who is also able to care for each one of us with individual love.

Theologians talk about a God who is both immanent and transcendent, but God still seems to many Christians to be the God of this one small planet, and only the Christian part of the planet at that.

from Penguins and Golden Calves: Icons and Idols