00622 – Offering People Substance, Not Fluff

Seems to me that many churches today are looking more for the hype and less for the depth…are looking to “beat” their competition and keep their “consumers” satisfied…are much ado about “the show” and their “ratings.” Seems to me, that is a mistake!

Jesus on the Cross was NOT a public relations spectacle! The Resurrection of Jesus was NOT a grand marketing plan! The ministry of Jesus was not flashy, had no publicist on staff, did not focus on the multitudes. Jesus eventually told the multitudes to “feed themselves.” The ministry of Jesus responded with in-depth analysis and response to the hurting human condition.

People who come to Easter services this year, come asking, “Do I have value in this world? Can I contribute to this world?” I hope we can answer them lovingly and without the hype. They only come once or twice a year; we have to offer them substance, not fluff! We have to offer them meaningful relationships not virtual ones!

from Lesson for Churches this Easter, April 2009, CBF Blog