00710 – ORDER of Worship

A visitor gave his impressions of certain worship services carelessly conducted: “People who would hiss a play which was so ill-planned that the order of the acts and scenes was of no importance or would throw into a wastebasket a novel which was so utterly without form that chapter 3 and chapter 16 are interchangeable, still pathetically go to church on Sunday morning to take part in a disorderly medley of music, hymn-singing, scripture reading, praying, and the sermon.“

“…Many church services today are a quaint mixture of concert, lecture, and prayer meeting.” (D. Macleod, Word and Sacrament)

Paul, writing to the Corinthians concerning worship, said, “Let all be done decently and in order” (I Cor.14:10). This can be accomplished by incorporating unity, movement, and design into the worship service.

from Pastoral Care Through Worship