Unless we are exchanging deeply committed levels of love with a few people, we will die slowly on the inside. This is precisely why so many people feel almost nothing at all.
If we don’t learn to exchange love with family and friends, we will eventually grow numb and no longer believe love is even a possibility.
This is not God’s plan. He hungers for us to be loved and to give love to others. As a matter of fact, He wants this for us even more than we want it for ourselves.
from Imagine Life God’s Way
Gender-neutral version:
Unless we are exchanging deeply committed levels of love with a few people, we will die slowly on the inside. This is precisely why so many people feel almost nothing at all.
If we don’t learn to exchange love with family and friends, we will eventually grow numb and no longer believe love is even a possibility.
This is not God’s plan. God hungers for us to be loved and to give love to others. As a matter of fact, God wants this for us even more than we want it for ourselves.
from Imagine Life God’s Way