03063 – Regain the Magic?

Commentary writer and professor, Thomas Slater, says this about Ephesians. “Many people say that ‘competition’ brings advancement. Rarely do people who love others and wish the best for others say this. This statement gives some people the license to ignore the feelings and the talents of others and to do what they want.”

When you want as much good for the person you share a relationship with, a friendship or even a cubicle at work– as you do for yourself—

• you’ll share resources differently

• it’ll pain you to lie to them

• you make decisions with them in mind as much as yourself

• you don’t push them around and you don’t make selfish

decisions nearly as much.

• If you’re at work and care about the company or your boss like this—you’ll do an honest day’s work. Good work.

At home, lovers haven’t lost these capacities. But, competitors wonder if they will ever regain the magic?

from “Grounded In Love”