03443 – Anna

Anna is the very last character in the Christmas Story. Mary and Joseph have left behind the shepherds and the stable animals, stopping in the temple to fulfill their requirements of their faith.

Upon arrival, they meet Simeon the Priest who would perform the circumcision….

But, before leaving the temple, Mary and Joseph have one more unexpected meeting with a woman named Anna. She is a prophetess, a widow of “great age” who spends all her time in the temple praying and fasting…

On this day, she is doing what she has always done, acting in faithful obedience. And…Luke wants us to understand that this is no small thing.

Anna is the only person in the Christmas Story who recognizes God’s work without an announcement or introduction. The Shepherds were alerted by the angels. Simeon was introduced by the parents.

Anna, apparently, simply sensed the work of the Spirit and began to praise God. She sees what so many others in the same setting fail to see. People walked by and even bumped into these young parents carrying the baby, but didn’t notice anything important.

But, Anna sees this precious little baby and begins to praise God.