If we really believe what we say, that our faith should inform the whole of our lives, then we cannot leave our values and beliefs at the door when it comes to public discourse.
While the separation of church and state is critically important to the freedoms we experience in America, I wonder if we use it too much as a convenient excuse not to talk about some very hard and uncomfortable things.
Separation of church and state insures that government does not exercise control over religion or favor one religion over another. It does not mean we separate our values from our public engagement.
Some people’s values are informed by Plato or Ayn Rand or Machiavelli. If your values are informed by the teachings of Jesus, you may bring them to bear on the public discourse. In fact, if your values are informed by the teachings of Jesus, you must bring them to bear on the public discourse.
from If the Church Won’t Speak Out, Who Will?