We cannot be those who merely love the tombs of the prophets. We do not celebrate assassinations and killings of our prophets. We find the place they fell; we reach down in the blood; we pick up the baton and carry it forward. And we must.
03620 – Preachers & Politics
Preachers don't get to stay out of politics. We are either chaplains of empire or prophets of God.
03566 – Theological Malpractice?
How do you take two or three Scriptures and make a theology out of it, and claim it is the moral perspective, and leave 2,000 on the table? That is a form of theological malpractice.
02821 – Some Issues Are…
Some issues are not left or right or liberal versus conservative. They are right versus wrong.
02818 – Say So Much, Say So Little
I am concerned about those who say so much about which God says so little, and who say so little about which God says so much.
02116 – Concerning Ourselves with “The System”
I'm reminded of what Dr. King said after four little girls were murdered in an Alabama church: "We must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderer."
02079 – The Ecstacy of True Hope
[W]e can never know the ecstasy of true hope without attending to the tragic realities of the poor and forgotten. from The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of a New Justice Movement