Many of us were told that theology is in the answers. But theology is in the conversation and conversation is driven by questions, not answers.
00777 – Tension Between Gospel and Culture
The gospel ought never to be entirely at home in any culture. If gospel and culture fit together as easily as hand-in-glove, then the likelihood is that the gospel has capitulated to the values of the culture… There must always be some tension between gospel and...
00776 – Tradition vs. Traditionalism
Tradition hands on from one generation to another those things found useful. Tradition doesn’t attempt to suppress new experience or insight. Tradition is a treasury of experience from which we may draw for our benefit. Traditionalism, on the other hand, is rigid and...
00740 – Worship Should Bring Diverse People Together
It’s a sad enough commentary on the American church that most congregations are mostly white, or mostly African-American, or mostly Hispanic, or mostly middle-class, or mostly blue-collar without willingly and knowingly creating another class of segregation by...