Let us pause to acknowledge the unseen goodness around us. We may not see it, but it is always here – a small universe of kindness and compassion – lived out around us every day, unseen but constant. People helping, people caring, people listening. The creators of...
03171 – The Healing Touch
You have the healing touch, even if you may not realize it. It is not a supernatural gift, but a common gift, one given to us all. We are born to be healers, along with other vocations, to help us navigate this world as vulnerable beings. We have the power to hear one...
02992 – Don’t Let Go!
Don’t let go, not now, not yet, but hold on tight, for I think we have more of a bumpy ride to come. Hold on to the hand of the Spirit. Hold on to your faith in justice and compassion. Hold on to the vision which has guided you all these years. Don’t let go, for the...
02003 – Change Comes from Sharing New Dreams
How it started is not as important as how it will end, so let go of what was and keep seeing what could be, for the change will not come from settling old arguments but from sharing new dreams.
01987 – I See More Clearly Now
I see more clearly, now that I am aging. Not with my eyesight, but with my soul. I see the fine detail of what I missed in younger years. I see the place of faith and forgiveness in my story. I see the possibilities of life in ways I never imagined. I was not blind in...
01820 – Hope & Love are Everywhere in Our Lives
The signs are all around us. We can see them springing up like wildflowers after the prairie rain. People who had fallen asleep are waking up. People who had been content to watch are wanting to join. People who never said a word are speaking out. The tipping point of...