04246 – Mocking & Dehumanizing

There’s nothing quite as disturbing as watching those who claim to follow Jesus mock and dehumanize the very people Jesus loved and even the kind of people exhibiting the same characteristics he did, like being a man who freely expressed emotions and cried. Jesus said...

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04245 – If Your Christianity Causes…

If your Christianity causes you to mock people with disabilities... If your Christianity causes you to mock the genuine expressions of emotion and love... If your Christianity causes you to mock men who cry... Your Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus.

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04214 – Dear Christian…

Dear Christian, God doesn’t need your defense. Jesus doesn’t need your defense. Christianity doesn’t need your defense. The Bible doesn’t need your defense. The Ten Commandments don’t need your defense. The poor, the powerless, the marginalized, the vulnerable, and...

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04212 – Of Lesser Value?

According to the gospels, Jesus wasn’t married. Jesus didn’t have children. People have still allowed him to lead their entire lives. The same is true for the apostle Paul and countless others in the Christian tradition. Should Joan of Arc have her sainthood revoked...

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04205 – Using God for Power

When a politician claims that God is on their side they are just using God to try to get you on their side. It is simply taking God's name in vain for the sake of their own pursuit of power. Turning any politician into some messiah-like figure for Christianity is...

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04067 – Got Moral Authority to Speak?

It takes a great deal of arrogance to live in the U.S. with over 200 different sects of Christianity, all with their own unique theology, yet insist that only your sect has the moral authority to speak, not only for all Christians, but for all people in our country as...

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