01985 – Labeling: The Easy Way Out

When I label someone, I no longer have to deal with them thoughtfully. I don't have to feel overwhelmed by the fact of their complexity, the lives they live, the dreams they have. There's hardly any action quite so easy, so utterly unimaginative, as the affixing of a...

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01238 – Are We Receiving Jesus’ Words?

If the words of Jesus of Nazareth, for instance, strike us as comfortable and perfectly in tune with our own confident common sense, our likes and dislikes, our budgets, and our actions toward strangers and foreigners, then receiving the words of Jesus is probably not...

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01104 – “Sacred Questioning”

I believe deliverance begins with questions. It begins with people who love questions, people who live with questions and by questions, people who feel a deep joy when good questions are asked. When we meet these people--some living through history and art--things...

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00531 – Practicing Evil with Cheer?

Of course, when religion won’t tolerate questions, objections, or differences of opinion and all it can do is threaten excommunication, violence, and hellfire, it has an unfortunate habit of producing some of the most hateful people to ever walk the earth. Blaise...

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