02977 – Jesus Followers

"They follow the Lamb wherever He goes" (Revelation 14:4). You’re looking at one of the clearest definitions of discipleship in the whole Bible. Our mission first and foremost is to be Jesus followers. Unless we do that, little else matters. from The Heart of...

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02860 – Seeing the Big Picture

While it appears that the powers of this world—whether they be political, religious, military, or economic—are having their way now, this is not the whole (or even the real) picture. These pretend gods are on a very short leash. Their kingdoms will not last. One day...

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02859 – Imitating Heaven

Gathering with other believers to worship remains one of the most significant things we do, because it’s our way of imitating heaven. Worship is the business, the lifeblood, the heartbeat of heaven. Spirit-led worship here and now gives us a taste of heaven unlike...

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