We need a true national and global vision and the belief that we can do great things and embrace a wider range of human experience. We need a new deal, a new frontier, and great society. Tax breaks for the wealthy, white privilege, mass deportation, gun lust, fewer...
03692 – God’s Vision of Shalom
Our world is intended to reflect God's vision of Shalom, the beloved community, the peaceable realm, in which joy and laughter, love and harmony guide the affairs of persons and nations.
03471 – Experiencing Connection with the Divine
Amid the challenges of life, we seek--consciously or unconsciously--to experience that original connection with the Divine in ourselves and the world. God is on our side. God's loving energy courses through us, inspiring adventure and healing wounds. God is out to...
03441 – The Infinity of Life
The realm of God is within us and among us and around us...All the wonders you seek, and the inspiration you crave, are right where you are, within your own personal experience. Thin places, holy isles, burning bushes, angelic songs, and magi bearing gifts are...
02654 – There is Something More
You may have been reminded of another popular book while reflecting on the vision of God's open-ended, creative, and lively adventure and on your own role as a partner with God in healing the world. Many persons have found a greater sense of meaning through reading...
02259 – God’s New Thing: “Something More”
The new thing that God seeks often occurs in times of disruption, when the familiar world has collapsed and the future is in doubt, when the days grow shorter, and we wonder if darkness will swallow the light... God's new thing is the vision of "something more," a...
01467 – Live Each Day as a Holy Adventure
[Re: 2020 Covid-19 pandemic] This is not lost time in which nothing happens. This is the time of your life and you need to live it fully each day. If we take each day as an opportunity for growth, we’ll always remember this time and the values we learned during this...
01431 – The “Unfixable” Aspects of Our Lives
In the preface to Margaret Guenther's Holy Listening, Alan Jones notes that spirituality deals with the "unfixable" aspects of our lives. His words remind us that darkness also has a light of its own. Within the darkness, the seedling grows. Within the womb, a new...
01429 – Joining God’s Holy Adventure
While an adventurous spirituality does not claim to provide scientific data that proves God's ever-transforming power throughout the universe, the vision of God's holy adventure boldly asserts that God is continually working in our personal, planetary, and cosmic...
01314 – Wholeness is Relational and Individual
Wholeness is relational as well as individual. We cannot separate our own health from the health of those around us... When we appropriately love other peoples' bodies by insuring that they have adequate food, shelter, health care, communal support, and political...