04075 – …Until Music

Some young people don't succeed until music. Some don't feel part of something until music.Some don't feel comfortable until music.Some don't feel included until music.Some don't feel understood until music. Some don't believe until music. Music can make all the...

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40443 – There’s Nothing Like It

People never forget being in a band.People never forget being in a choir.People never forget being in an orchestra.You never forget the music, friendships, feelings, concerts, laughter, emotions, or the sense of belonging.There's nothing like making music with other...

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02912 – The Joy of Making Music

Once you've sung in a choir, or played in a band or orchestra, or played in any music ensemble, you're never the same again. Your ears, your eyes, and your heart are opened up in ways not possible by any other means. Music feeds us, it nourishes us, and it brings us...

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