Don't ever come to church without coming as though it were the first time, as though it could be the best time and as though it might be the last time.
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04055 – Church Services Start/End
Too many church services start at eleven o'clock sharp and end at twelve o'clock dull.
03600 – Living vs. Talking
What we live is what we believe, everything else is just religious talk.
03313 – Some Converts…
Some converts go up like a rocket and come down like a rock. They start with a fever and they end with a chill.
03267 – Scripture, Not Feeling
A genuine experience of the Lord is based on Scripture, not our feelings, but that does not mean that our feelings are unaffected. We are so afraid of feeling these days that it has become almost the unpardonable sin to say 'Amen' [in church]. We are not saved because...
02416 – Citizen of Heaven? Or this World?
If you are a Christian you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to heaven; you are a citizen of heaven making your way through this world.