03508 – Church & New Horizons

A church which pitches its tents without constantly looking out for new horizons, which does not continually strike camp, is being untrue to its calling....(We must) play down our longing for certainty, accept what is risky, live by improvisation and experiment." from...

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00627 – Jesus Provoked His Death

Jesus’ violent end was the logical conclusion of his proclamation and his behavior. Jesus’ passion was the reaction of the guardians of the law, of justice and morality, to his action. He did not simply passively endure death, but actively provoked it. His...

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00380 – Arousing a Sleepy Church

Jesus returns again and again to his Church with his message and the power of his Spirit…to arouse a Church which, tired and listless, is always on the point of sleep; to light the way for a Church which is so often on the point of losing the path on its pilgrimage;...

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00359 – A Church Exists for Service

A church must not overlook the fact that it exists for unselfish, active service to society, to individuals and groups and even to its opponents. If it does so, it loses its dignity, its claim and the reason for its existence, since it abandons discipleship. But if a...

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00259 – Thy Kingdom Come

What kind of kingdom will this be? It will be a kingdom where, in accordance with Jesus’ prayer, God’s name is truly hallowed, his will is done on earth, men will have everything in abundance, all sin will be forgiven and all evil overcome. It will be a kingdom where,...

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