03097 – Preaching & Truth

I would rather have thousands to say to me at the judgment, "We heard you preach, and you hurt our feelings," than to have just one lost soul to say, "I heard you preach, but you did not tell me the truth."

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02108 – Let Freedom Ring

[John Lewis' last words, released on the day of his funeral:] In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and non-violence is the more excellent way. Now it is your turn to let freedom ring. ...So I say to you, walk with the...

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01014 – Walking with the Wind

About fifteen of us children were outside my aunt Seneva’s house, playing in her dirt yard. The sky began clouding over, the wind started picking up, lightning flashed far off in the distance, and suddenly I wasn’t thinking about playing anymore; I was terrified… Aunt...

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00991 – The Call for Change

As we participated in protest after protest, sit-in after sit-in, where crowds of uncontrollable angry people swarmed around us yelling and jeering, where we were beaten with billy clubs, lead pipes, trampled by horses, and attacked by dogs, our faith was not...

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00990 – What is Your Greatest Fear?

Think about your greatest fear. Consider how you would feel if your life required you to face what you fear the most every day. Ultimately, if you survived the test, you would discover that what you feared actually had no power over you, no power to harm you at all....

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00132 – Making Good Trouble

Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Do not become bitter or hostile. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. We will find a way to make a way out of no way.

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00053 – Walk with the Wind

When historians pick up their pens to write the story of the 21st century, let them say that it was your generation who laid down the heavy burdens of hate at last and that peace finally triumphed over violence, aggression and war. So I say to you, walk with the wind,...

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