In the wilderness of grief, God provides narrative manna — just enough shape and meaning to keep us walking — and sends the Comforter, who knits together the raveled soul and refuses to leave us orphaned. Sometimes the bereaved say they are looking for closure, but in...
01105 – The Light of Jesus Gives Us Sight
The more we are drawn into the light of Jesus, the more we have our eyes opened by the gospel. The more we have our eyes opened by the gospel, the more things we see, the more we see how the old world is captive to the powers of darkness and the forces of death, the...
00772 – Worship: Not Just a Weekly Ritual
Worship is a soundtrack for the rest of life, the words and music and actions of worship inside the sanctuary playing the background as we live our lives outside, in the world… The words of worship are like stones thrown into the pond; they ripple outward in countless...
00749 – Christian Worship: Like a Disastrous Mother’s Day Breakfast
[…recalling the time when he was young, and he and his brother made a disaster out of preparing Mother’s Day breakfast for their mother…] Even when Christian worship is at its best, it is much like that Mother’s Day breakfast. It is always the work of amateurs, people...