Life is hard--not because we're doing it wrong, just because it's hard.
03473 – It’s a Hard Life
Life is hard--not because we're doing it wrong, just because it's hard.
02667 – So, What is It?
So what is it in a human life that creates bravery, kindness, wisdom, and resilience? What if it's pain? What if it's struggle?
02437 – Dealing with Discomfort
Everything is dependent upon our ability to sit with discomfort, and not numb it, and not reject it, and not use it to hurt other people...everything beautiful comes from there.
02282 – Just Do It!
If you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you're good enough. Just do it.
02092 – We Just Need a Witness to Our Pain
You know, what strikes me is how desperately we all need to know that we are seen and heard. We don't need our lives to be different, or easier; we just need someone to see the pain. To know what we've faced and overcome. To say: Yes. I see this. This is real. We...
01793 – Seeing the Face of God
And when she wanted to see the face of God, she didn't look up and away; she looked into the eyes of the person sitting next to her. Which is harder. Which is better.
00145 – New Every Morning
The amazing thing about love and attention and encouragement and grace and success and joy is that these things are infinite. We get a new supply every single morning and so we can give it away all day. We never, ever have to monitor the supply of others or grab or...