Stop trusting that the arc of the moral universe will simply bend toward justice--and decide to be arc benders.
03811 – Generous vs. Stingy
I refuse to be a Christian who is generous with damnation and stingy with grace.
03663 – Listen to the Lifegiving Voice
Personally, I don't think I've ever heard the devil's voice before; but if I have, it bears a really strong resemblance to my own. It is the taunting voice always hovering in the periphery in my head, waiting for me to make a mistake so it can pounce on the failure...
03044 – Compassion: Our Default Setting
Compassion isn’t supposed to be a liability to us. It’s supposed to be the default setting of our hearts. It’s hardly something to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. Benevolence isn’t supposed to be a character defect. In fact, our lives as followers of Jesus should be...
03043 – I’m So Weary…
I’m so weary of a cloistered Christianity of privilege, one that feels itself entitled to comfort and ease, one that wields absolute power and cries “oppression” when it cannot have all of it. I’m exhausted from daily encountering a Church that still works to...
03004 – Religion at It’s Best
If your theology causes you to treat other people as less worthy of a home or love or care or safety than yourself--it isn't worth keeping. Religion at its best will always welcome the stranger, mend wounds, share blessings, remove barriers, and expand the table.
02947 – Compulsory Christianity?
Actual followers of Jesus don’t want compulsory Christianity for anyone.
02814 – Giving Thanks Today…
Giving thanks today for the compassionate people; the lovers, helpers, givers, and healers, who see more than just themselves, who move through the world with open hands and not closed fists. Thank you. Keep going. It matters.
02199 – Treat People Well
Many people are hanging by the very thinnest of threads. If you treat them well, without knowing you may very well be that thread.
01969 – You Alone Get to Choose
At the end of your time here, the world will either be more or less kind, compassionate, generous, funny, creative, and loving because of your presence in it--and you alone get to choose. from Hope and Other Superpowers