04060 – Sacred Potential in the Dust

As we mark ourselves with these ashes, we remind ourselves that no grief is solitary; that what has stricken you is also carried by me. We begin our Lenten journey together, reminding one another that we are those whose flesh grows back. We are those who remain. It is...

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03431 – The Silence of the Men

I take so much delight in the silence of the men in the Christmas story. Zechariah can't speak. Joseph doesn't speak. While the words and emotions of Mary and Elizabeth are unapologetically centered. The sound of Advent is the voice of women.

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02989 – What is Solidarity?

Solidarity is a group that stands together, and would do so for its weakest member. It is that community which resists the intoxicating lie of individuality—we live for ourselves and by ourselves. Solidarity dismisses self-preservation in favor of a new way—to sense...

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02630 – This Here Flesh

I think awe is an exercise, both a doing and a being. It is a spiritual muscle of our humanity that we can only keep from atrophying if we exercise it habitually…Awe is not a lens through which to see the world but our sole path to seeing. Any other lens is not a lens...

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