04238 – In Culture War Mode?

When you live in Culture War Mode there is always a battle to fight, a side to take, and people to fear. When you live in God's Kingdom there's always a stranger to welcome, a neighbor to befriend, and an enemy to love. --from Love Over Fear

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04045 – The Most Relevant Church

I'm not all that interested in future church trends or new growth techniques. For 2000 years, the most relevant church has always been the one gathering around a table, caring for the neighborhood, following the words and ways of Jesus.

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02182 – People God Loves

Maybe it's conservatives, or progressives, or a neighbor, or a church member who incessantly says horrible things, who acts unjustly toward others, and plagues us whenever we see them. I know, just the sight of them causes the blood to boil. So much depends upon our...

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01752 – Church as Service Provider?

Consumerism turned the Church into a service provider: "I want good preaching" "I want amazing worship" "I want great kids' programs" Would we go to Church if it was just a bunch of ragamuffin Jesus-followers gathering around a table, trying to love God and love...

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