The only hope for any of us, regardless for our particular sins, lies in a ruthless trust in a God who inexplicably loves sinners, including those who sin differently than we do. from Soul Survivor: How Thirteen Unlikely Mentors Helped My Faith Survive the Church
03698 – Pursued by God
The Bible tells of flawed people--people just like me--who make shockingly bad choices and yet still find themselves pursued by God.
03670 – How God Treats Those whom God Loves
If I take Easter as the starting point, the one incontrovertible fact about how God treats those whom he loves, then human history becomes the contradiction and Easter a preview of ultimate reality.----------------------------------Gender-neutral version: If I take...
03416 – Which Way does God Tilt?
Yet as I read the birth stories about Jesus I cannot help but conclude that though the world may be tilted toward the rich and powerful, God is tilted toward the underdog.
02897 – Understanding the Trinity
God’s image shines through us most clearly in the act of creation — comprising the three stages of Idea, Expression and Recognition — and by reproducing this act we may begin to grasp, by analogy, the Trinity. from Reaching for the Invisible God
02747 – Grace Flows
Grace, like water, flows to the lowest part.
02278 – The Church & Grace
The church is, above all, a place to receive grace: it brings forgiven people together with the aim of equipping us to dispense grace to others. from Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News?
02223 – Using “Weapons of Grace”
The issue is not whether I agree with someone but rather how I treat someone with whom I profoundly disagree. We Christians are called to use the 'weapons of grace,' which means treating even our opponents with love and respect.
02148 – Gratitude vs. Fear
I came to love God out of gratitude, not fear. from "Where the Light Fell"
02047 – Living During the Journey
We do well to remember that the Bible has far more to say about how to live during the journey than about the ultimate destination.