Pilgrim Ponderings

Pilgrim Ponderings

Quotes for Church Use

For decades, I’ve collected quotes related (mostly) to church music, worship, theology, ministry, and Christian life. I kept them handy to use for worship bulletins, special programs, sermons, and articles.

On this website I’ve made the quotes easily accessible for ministerial friends and others by author, topic, Scripture reference, Bible characters/famous people, and (assigned) number.

So far, I’ve cataloged about 4110 QUOTES on this website. I am still collecting quotes, and will regularly post more here.

Some quotes are from famous persons and documents, obscure sources, or unknown sources. Some are ancient; others recent. Some are lengthy; others are short memes. Some sources are Christian; others non-Christian. I’ve included a pluralized (gender-inclusive, perhaps paraphrased) version whenever appropriate. As the old saying goes, “Take what you need and leave the rest.”

Also, I am posting 1 or 2 quotes per week on Facebook, (click on icon below).

Find a Quote

Select an Author or Topic to view quotes:

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Use search box below:


1. When you come across a quote you like, jot down the 5-DIGIT NUMBER for easy access later.

2. Don’t forget to use SYNONYMS, ANTONYMS, & PLURALS when searching for topics. (ex.: cross/Crucifixion, Christmas/Advent, child/children).

3. Click on AUTHOR’S NAME to view more quotes by that author (if more are archived).      

4. RETURN to this page by clicking “PILGRIM PONDERINGS” link in NAVIGATION BAR (above).

5. Also, if you see any TYPOS, or are certain of a SOURCE (book, article) that is not listed for a quote, please let me know. I’ve gathered these quotes from many places, and not all of them listed a source. I do want this resource to be as accurate and complete as possible. Thanks.