You believe God looks at us from above, but He actually sees us from the inside.------------------------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: You believe God looks at us from above, but God actually sees us from the inside.
03139 – The Purpose of Preaching
I propose that the purpose of preaching is not to be defined hierarchically in terms of the preacher pouring out the good news from above to the people below in the way that many claims of the preacher’s authority and purpose have traditionally configured. Instead, in...
02686 – Christ, with Me
Christ, be with me,Christ before me,Christ behind me,Christ in me, Christ beneath me,Christ above me,Christ on my right, Christ on my left,Christ where I lie,Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise,Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,Christ in the mouth...
02445 –
You are above me O GodYou are beneathYou are in airYou are in earthYou are beside meYou are within.O God of heaven,you have made your home on EarthIn the broken body of CreationKindle within mea love for you in all things. from Celtic Prayers from Iona
02057 – Pride is a Hindrance
A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.-------------------------------gender-neutral version: A proud person is always looking down on things and people; and,...
01638 – Love Tends to Its Roots
Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive. from The Five People You Meet in Heaven
01544 – Value Principles above Privileges
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.