02265 – Creating Pockets of Peace

Remember, Advent is all about anticipation. It is about recognizing our need for a Savior, longing for that Savior, and joyfully welcoming that Savior. It can be tough to recreate this anticipatory tension when the busyness of the holidays pushes us into go-mode and...

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02256 – God with Us…Always

Immanuel means ‘God with us.’ And not in the sense that God just showed up or arrived on the scene. A thousand times no. In spite of the fact it changed everything, the birth of Jesus didn’t technically create a new reality for God or us; rather, it was simply and...

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02253 – All Persons Have Worth & Dignity

In Christ’s incarnation all of humanity regains the dignity of bearing the image of God. Whoever from now on attacks the least of the people attacks Christ, who took on human form and who in himself has restored the image of God for all who bear a human countenance....

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02252 – Getting Ready for Jesus

When we read about John the Baptist during Advent, we sometimes mistakenly see him as the wild one preparing the way for the mild one, when what I think he may be actually saying is "get ready for one who is even wilder than I am--wilder for love, wilder for justice,...

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