Whenever I allow anything but tenderness and compassion to dictate my response to life--be it self-righteous anger, moralizing, defensiveness, the pressing need to change others...I am alienated from my true self. My identity as a child of God becomes ambiguous,...
03999 – Keep Me Fiercely Kind
God, Keep my anger from becoming meanness. Keep my sorrow from collapsing into self-pity. Keep my heart soft enough to keep breaking. Keep my anger turned towards justice, not cruelty. Remind me that all of this, every bit of it, is for love. Keep me fiercely kind....
03744 – Strongman vs. Scapegoat
Beware systems and identities that need: 1. A Strongmanand2. A Scapegoat There will be no end of violence when these two exist. They legitimate and fuel each other. Jesus demonstrates how demonically futile the Strongman/Scapegoat mechanism is in his death and...
03709 – Grief’s Purpose Must be Fulfilled
But unless we make space for grief, we cannot know the depths of the love of God, the healing God wrings from pain, the way grieving yields wisdom, comfort, even joy. If we do not make time for grief, it will not simply disappear. Grief is stubborn. It will make...
03396 – Anger & Pain
Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.
03262 – Watch Out for…
Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially, your heart.
02402 – Don’t Waste Your Life
Don’t waste life constantly reacting, constantly defending yourself and trying to talk people into a different view of you. People are overwrought & need targets for their stress & anger & a cover for their fear. Have compassion. Live your vapor-short life...