03869 – Biblical? Or Christlike?

We have to understand that using the word “biblical” as an adjective is almost always a terrible idea. Even the biblical authors do not present a singular worldview. The question shouldn’t be “is this biblical?” The question should be “is this...

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01399 – Christ in Glory, Here and Now

My favorite lines about Christ's "Second Coming" are in the story "A Christmas Memory," by Truman Capote. In this autobiographical piece of great delicacy, the author describes his last Christmas with the woman who brought him up. The author is seven at the time; she...

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01310 – Don’t Demean Other Religions

To paraphrase William Sloane Coffin, a contemporary author and activist for us as Christians, God is defined by Jesus, but not confined to Jesus. To paraphrase Krister Stendahl, a New Testament scholar, former dean of Harvard Divinity School, and bishop of the Church...

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