03484 – Smokescreens?

If I were a betting woman, I’d bet 10 bucks some of the meanest, relentlessly condemning people do in the dark the very thing they condemn in the light. I wish I had the luxury of a background that wouldn’t make me suspect smokescreens of loudmouth Bible police. But I...

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02717 – Shalom

The Hebrew term for peace is shalom, which is related to the word shleimut, meaning full or whole. Shalom requires radical inclusion — we can’t be whole unless everybody is included — and harmony — it can’t be peaceful unless all the diverse peoples commit to getting...

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02308 – Belonging

May we as kin-dom builders strive to create and embody spaces for our young ones to feel that the faith community is exactly where they belong. As we do this, may we also strive to create a community where everyone—regardless of their age, language, culture,...

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