01145 – Love is about True Justice

To truly love is to work for a just equity of power between nations, races, and genders, and in our day-to-day relationships and transactions. It is to oppose all patterns of power over another. This is why [Simone] Weil appeals again and again to the ancient symbol...

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00964 – Love Places Us Inescapably in Time

The principle of neighborly love encapsulates the balance between time and eternity which is vital to the practice of true hope. Since love is not, for an ideal human being, living in a state of abstract perfection but rather for someone in particular, someone...

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00937 – Healing Prayer

Healing prayer is part of the normal Christian life. It should not be elevated above any other ministry in the community of faith, nor should it be undervalued; rather it should be kept in proper balance. It is simply a normal aspect of what it means to live under the...

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00901 – Training the Congregation

Wisdom will be needed to encourage a congregation to be united over the music it uses. One result of the power of music is that people become deeply wedded to their personal preferences and find it difficult to recognize that the style of music is almost always a...

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00879 – Excellent Sacred Music: an Oxymoron?

“I will sing with the mind and also the spirit.” (I Cor. 14:15) Music engages both emotion and intellect, so directors should clearly enable their singers to sing with intelligence, expression and faith. Complex and overly challenging music could stand in the way of...

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00709 – Fully Human, Fully Divine

The implication of Christology for worship is that it is to be both fully divine and fully human. Over-divinization and over humanization are always heretical and usually the easiest routes to follow. The balance of fully human and fully divine is always the most...

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00415 – Christian Cotton Candy?

The lack of substance in most popular Christian books is producing anemic disciples… Millions of contemporary Christians read mainly cotton candy. It may be Christian cotton candy, but it’s still cotton candy. And even the substance that is offered generally lacks...

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