Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
03263 – Shifting Our Thinking
When we begin to shift our thinking away from only making our life better to making the world a better place for all God's children, we stop believing the lie that their gain is our loss.
03166 – Faith & Trust
Now I come to something which may at first sight seem specifically Christian – or biblical, I should rather say. But when you listen very carefully, you will see that we speak about a reality which is quite universal: faith. Faith and the path are inseparable from one...
02946 – Love Others!
Of all the things Satan could've used to destroy Christ, he decided to tempt Jesus with the Bible. In the same way, Satan will attack Christianity by tricking people into believing they're "being biblical" when in reality they aren't being Christlike at all. To be...
02434 – Believe Women Called to Ministry!
Let’s make a habit of believing women who are called to ministry. Before we say: “She lacks discernment or has selfish ambition”, look at the fruit in her life. Allow her to be a credible witness to the outworking of the gospel in her own life story.
02171 – Confession is a Difficult Discipline
Confession is a difficult discipline for us because we all too often see the believing community as a fellowship of saints before we see it as a fellowship of sinners.
02038 – Good Can Come from Evil
To show you … how out of evil there can come good, in those five years I read every book in the black school library. I read all the books I could get from the white school library. I memorized James Weldon Johnson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Countee Cullen and Langston...
01321 – God IS Love!
To love is to know God precisely because God is love. The emerging community, at its best, can teach us again that love must be the first word on our lips and also the last, and that we must seek to incarnate that sacred word in the world. I recently heard a...
01158 – Government is Overseer of the Common Good
The authors of the Bible did not have enough faith in humankind to believe that unrestrained pursuit of self-interest would promote common welfare. ...Government is the only power of the poor. It is not an intruder on the happy campers on the economic field....
01154 – We See What We Believe
If we are to recognize the ultimate person on our own Emmaus Road we need a heightened awareness. We need to have a sense of expectancy day by day that Jesus will reveal Himself to us. Expect the unexpected. Psychologists are telling us now that we don't believe what...