03483 – Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy

Religion without the Spirit, without authentic spirituality, basically becomes a way to give divine sanction/endorsement/legitimization to our biases and prejudices and it becomes a way to maintain the status quo. It also becomes a means of exerting control over...

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01382 – Seeing Rightly

Good religion, however, is always about seeing rightly: "The lamp of the body is the eye; if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light," as Jesus says in Matthew 6:22. How you see is what you see. And to see rightly is to be able to be fully...

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00408 – Believe It? Then Do It!

The Scriptures very clearly have a “bias toward action.” Simply put, the word of God tells us that if you don’t do it, you in fact have not heard it and do not believe it (see Matthew 21: 28-32; James 1: 22-25).

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