We have to understand that using the word “biblical” as an adjective is almost always a terrible idea. Even the biblical authors do not present a singular worldview. The question shouldn’t be “is this biblical?” The question should be “is this...
03519 – Recording Faithful & Unfaithful Acts
One of the gifts of the Old Testament is how faithful Israel was in recording their unfaithfulness. Israel could've erased all their sins, but they recorded their idolatry, oppression of others, and when they put words in God's mouth. Erasing a nation's sins isn't...
03314 – Is it Like Christ?
Whenever Christians say, "But is it biblical?" I get uneasy. Smashing an enemy's infant against a rock is "biblical." I'm much more interested in if it is like Christ.
03166 – Faith & Trust
Now I come to something which may at first sight seem specifically Christian – or biblical, I should rather say. But when you listen very carefully, you will see that we speak about a reality which is quite universal: faith. Faith and the path are inseparable from one...
03070 – Interpreting the Hebrew Bible
It is scandalous how Christians extract ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible, call it our Old Testament, and then interpret them without any reference to the way Jewish biblical interpretation itself has proceeded for over two millennia. from Changing Our Mind
02946 – Love Others!
Of all the things Satan could've used to destroy Christ, he decided to tempt Jesus with the Bible. In the same way, Satan will attack Christianity by tricking people into believing they're "being biblical" when in reality they aren't being Christlike at all. To be...
02759 – Biblical Inerrancy: The Problem
The problem with biblical inerrancy is that it tends to dissolve on contact with what is in the Bible itself, thus propelling many devout young believers into unnecessary crises of faith. We need a more realistic understanding of the Bible. from After Evangelicalism
02739 – Being Christlike
Genocide is biblical.Loving your enemy is biblical.But only one is Christlike.Slavery is biblical.Chain-breaking is biblical.But only one is Christlike. Patriarchy is biblical.Counter-cultural elevation of women is biblical.But only one is Christlike. Retributive...
02255 – Being Biblical vs. Being Christ-Like
History is filled with people who used the Bible to oppress other people. Being "biblical" is not the same as being Christ-like.
01943 – What is Biblical Mysticism?
Biblical mysticism is the attempt to exit "this world" to an alternative reality that pervades the old order. Its goal is to jettison the mind-set that says "greed is good," "selfishness is normal," and "killing is necessary." Mysticism in biblical terms is not...