The use of song as a vehicle for conveying the Word of God has biblical precedent. It comes from a vignette near the end of the Israelite wandering in the wilderness. Moses and Joshua were summoned to the Tent of Meeting to receive final instructions from God before...
01260 – Don’t Risk Losing Touch with God
The God of biblical faith is the God who meets us at those moments in which for better or worse we are being most human, most ourselves, and if we lose touch with those moments, if we don’t stop from time to time to notice what is happening to us and around us and...
01209 – “Christ” Means More than Jesus
"Christ" means more than Jesus. It also refers to the new skein of relationships that arose around him during and after his life. Several biblical references support this interpretation. Paul frequently speaks of the Christ who dwells within him and within the other...
01100 – “Jesus-My-Personal-Therapist” Songs?
There is a trend towards singing songs addressed to a Jesus who has been stripped of any references to the narrative that makes him who he is. Such songs speak of a "Lord" called "Jesus" who makes the singers feel loved and accepted, but often there is no reference to...
00775 – Worship Dichotomy Not in Scripture
In the modern evangelical church, singing, praying, giving, and other congregational acts of worship are regarded at times as preamble to the sermon. Music, in particular, appears separate from elements of worship that seem to be more spiritual, such as praying and...
00764 – Biblical Worship: Antidote to Individual Loneliness
Modern-day individualism has diminished and diluted the communal emphasis in Scripture. Piety has become compartmentalized, relegated to a private personal pocket of life. The result is a religious consumerism which describes worship as “attending the church of your...
00753 – Worship is the Individual’s Responsibility
Corporate worship can become empty—it can turn into an abstraction—outside of each individual worship taking on full responsibility, for each person is the church, and it is the church that is to be at worship, individual by individual. In corporate worship, it is not...
00533 – Resurrection is Unnatural
As someone has put it, the biblical understanding of human beings is not that they have bodies, but that they are bodies… Those who believe in the immortality of the soul believe that life after death is as natural a human function as waking after sleep. The Bible...
00438 – Faith Takes Us to the Unknown
The stranger is also a central figure in biblical stories of faith, and for good reason. The religious quest, the spiritual pilgrimage, is always taking us into new lands where we are strange to others and they are strange to us. Faith is a venture into the unknown,...
00342 – What it Means to be Biblical
To be biblical is not simply to quote the Bible. We need to tell that to the fundamentalists. To be biblical is not to quote Moses; it’s to do what Moses did. To be biblical is to do what Abraham did; it’s not to quote the Abraham story. It’s to do what Jesus did;...