00943 – Prayer Support: Being the Body of Christ

A woman in my church, Rachel, lost her twenty-three-year-old daughter in a tragic accident; she lost her legs and then took several weeks to die. Rachel said, “I can’t pray. People think I’m terrible because I can’t pray.” Lay off her! I thought of those who would...

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00747 – Church: The Diverse Body of Christ

I firmly believe that when Paul called the church the body of Christ he meant it. I don’t think that he meant we constitute the body of Christ when we gather 10 high school boys for a small group. The practice of worship and the celebration of the sacraments requires...

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00689 – Christian Worship is a Conversation

Christian worship is alive because, in its essence, it is a conversation between two living realities—the one true, eternal God and the body of Christ, the church. Because worship is a conversation and not a mere review of the past, it is dynamic, unpredictable, and...

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