As an American patriot, I celebrate the Fourth of July with pride and gratitude. However, I distinguish this patriotism from Christian nationalism. My faith teaches me that Jesus transcends political affiliations and national boundaries. He is not the exclusive...
03174 – Sometimes We Must Interfere
Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must—at that...
02985 – Our Circle is Too Small
Mother Theresa said that sometimes our biggest problem is this: The circle we put around our family is too small. A love for our own people is great. But we are called to love as big as God loves. God's love doesn't stop at the border. That's what it means to be "born...
02552 – “Love Makes Justice Happen”
Jesus didn't call it "social justice." He simply called it love. If we would only love our neighbors beyond comfort, borders, race, religion, and other differences that we've allowed to be barriers, "social justice" would be a given. Love makes justice happen.
02270 – The Christ-Child is Here, Waiting
The reality of Advent isn't that we are waiting for the birth of the Christ-Child. The Christ-Child is here and is waiting for us to come. He is crying out to us from the border. He is calling to us from the voices of the poor. He is shouting out to us from prison.
01982 – Becoming the True You
I’ve come to see that the call of God, the love that bids us welcome, is always a call to become the true you. Not a doormat. The true you. Not an imitation of someone else. The true you: someone made in the image of God, deserving of and receiving love. The ability...