00936 – My Day Begins with Prayer

On a typical day I am charged with the pastorate of three congregations. I teach regularly at the seminary. I have students living in my house. I am writing three books. Countless people write to me. When I start each day, therefore, I make it a point to spend an hour...

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00831 – Unlocked the Music of Your Heart Yet?

Has it happened yet? Has the music of your skill and practice unlocked the music of your heart? We’ve all had moments when the music of our heart has seeped out and been a part of a performance. But have you been able to access that music and use it in praise and...

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00541 – Saints Have Luster

Saints never know they’re saints. That’s why they’re saints. They are too busy talking to God to look in the mirror. The same moles and wrinkles are there but contact with the Eternal has given them a borrowed glory. Divine conversation has left a residual luster. The...

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00085 – Taking Time to Be

I sit on my favorite rock, looking over the brook, to take time away from busyness, time to be. I’ve long since stopped feeling guilty about taking being time; it’s something we all need for our spiritual health, and often we don’t take enough of it… When I am...

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