02775 – The Short and Long of It

Jesus was short on sermons, long on conversations; short on answers, long on questions; short on abstraction and propositions, long on stories and parables; short on telling you what to think, long on challenging you to think for yourself.

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02601 – Lent is Designed to be Life-Giving

Dear ones, the world in which we live is challenging and complicated enough without intentionally adding to our burdens. There is no spiritual discipline commended to our embrace that is designed just to make us feel badly. There is no labor suggested in our tradition...

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01483 – What Did Jesus Mean?

To read the gospels in the spirit with which they were written, it is not enough to ask what Jesus did or said. We must ask what Jesus meant by his strange deeds and words. He intended to reveal the Father to us, and to show that he is the only-begotten Son of the...

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00124 – More than One Type of Virus

In these challenging, difficult times [pandemic], we are discovering a wisdom that we needed all along, and that wisdom is that we are all connected. We are not separate. We used to think that we caught diseases as individuals: "I'm sick; you're not." But now we...

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