03540 – When Do We Know?

When we Christians become convinced that we are the only authority on truth, that anyone who opposes us is evil, and that things will only get better if we are in charge of all positions of power, that is when we know that we are no longer worshiping God. We are...

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01914 – Being Better at Differing

When I was called here, I was charged with remaining politically neutral. And I've worked at that. Well let me tell you some things that are politically neutral-- * Encouraging you to not bear false-witness. That's politically neutral. You might want to fact-check to...

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01812 – Survival: a Gift & a Charge

The friend standing next to me at the firing predictor was torn to pieces by the bomb that left me unscathed. That night I cried out to God for the first time: "My God, where are you?" And the question "Why am I not dead too?" has haunted me ever since. Why are you...

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