04205 – Using God for Power

When a politician claims that God is on their side they are just using God to try to get you on their side. It is simply taking God's name in vain for the sake of their own pursuit of power. Turning any politician into some messiah-like figure for Christianity is...

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02461 – God is Not a Belief-System

God is not a belief-system. Jesus is not a religion. Christianity is not a check-list. Church is not an address. The Bible is not a book of doctrines. Community is not a meeting. Grace has no exceptions. Ministry is not a program. Art is not carnal. Women are not...

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02196 – The Flow of Grace

I know it’s easy to be cynical, to look at the disastrous effects of Christianity’s complicity with empire and want to give up on the whole endeavor, but I also want to proclaim that the flow of grace is a truly wonderful thing.

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02104 – Disney Princess Theology

White Christianity suffers from a bad case of Disney Princess Theology. As each individual reads Scripture they see themselves as the princess in every story. They are Esther, never Xerxes or Haman. They are Peter, never Judas. They are the woman anointing Jesus,...

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