03491 – Following Jesus

When you take the Way of Jesus seriously, you encounter resistance. Jesus calls us to love our enemies, but society kills our enemies. Jesus calls us to Jubilee, but ours is a nation of debt. Jesus calls us to befriend the ostracized, but ours is a society of...

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00498 – There are No Ordinary People

There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations—these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit—immortal horrors...

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00379 – Church Can Bear Witness to Truth

There has never been a time when I have not been really happy in the relationship of the parish ministry. The church can really be a community of love and can give one new confidence in the efficacy of the principles of brotherhood outside the family relation. The...

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00040 – Let Christians Not Quibble

And all hands are needed to save this sinking ship. Let Christians not quibble about commitments to Christ. Let all those who want to keep civilization civilized—put quality into culture, humanity into business life, life into the millions who are now drifting—let...

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